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Black Friday? And how about Green Friday?

¿Black Friday? ¿Y que tal Green Friday?

Green Friday! Planting trees, new flavors and more!

Black Friday originated as the American start of the Christmas shopping season after Thanksgiving. Over the past decade, it has become a global shopping phenomenon. While we all love saving money on a good deal, What does all this excessive shopping and package delivery mean for the environment?

Throughout 2019, we have been taking great steps to make our company more sustainable. We introduced the Plenny Shake Active with larger packaging in vanilla, strawberry, banana, Chai latte and neutral flavour, offsetting 329 tonnes of CO2 from our deliveries and we launched a 100% vegan Plenny bar.

Unfortunately, not all companies treat their customers, their employees, and ultimately the planet with respect on Black Friday. That’s why we’ve decided to do things a little differently this year.

We will plant a tree for every order placed during BFCM
So forget about Black Friday. Why not have a Green Friday instead? In the sustainable spirit of Jimmy Joy, we will plant a tree for every order placed during the Black Friday Cyber ​​Monday period. Our goal is to plant an entire forest with your help.

Ok, that's great, but what about the discount?

Simply make the purchase and a 15% discount will automatically be added to individual purchases. You could argue that it's better not to lean on Black Friday. But we actually want to show that it IS possible for brands to offer a great offering of quality products, use sustainable plant-based ingredients, maintain an ethical supply chain and still perform well as a business.

And it's totally cool if you decide not to shop at Jimmy Joy. We promise we'll still invite you to our parties <3 We hope we've inspired you to consider ethics when shopping online.
