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Esjoy: a good ally for meals on the go

Esjoy: un buen aliado para las comidas en los viajes

Travelling abroad should be a real pleasure, but if problems arise with food, they can lead to unpleasant experiences. In this post you can learn about some destinations where having Esjoy products will be of great help:

  • Thailand : Street stalls in the country are not always very hygienic, and the food they offer can easily cause the dreaded 'traveler's diarrhea '. Our Plenny Shake shakes will give you the energy you need for everyday life, while maintaining your intestinal balance.

  • India : In addition to the hygiene problems that can arise if you eat food bought in street markets, it should be noted that Indian dishes are very spicy , which can make them difficult to digest . Twenny Bars in chocolate or vanilla are a safe alternative to local food.

  • Marrakech : The local cuisine has dishes made with raw vegetables and seafood that can certainly be delicious, but they are not recommended as they can contain bacteria that can lead to food poisoning. Opt for our Plenny Shake shakes instead of consuming these risky foods.

  • Mexico : Another destination where spiciness is a very important point to take into account, since our stomachs are not used to dishes with such strong condiments. Having our Plenny Shake shakes will prevent you from having trouble digesting.

  • Peru : To visit archaeological sites such as Machu Pichu , it is advisable to carry food in your backpack, since there is only one stand for tourists at the entrance to the sanctuary and their snacks are very expensive . A good Plenny Drink to face your excursion is the ideal solution and hardly takes up any space.

  • Lofoten Islands (Norway) : A beautiful destination with spectacular fjords, but where restaurants are few and far between and very expensive . We recommend taking our Tweeny Bar bars, as well as being affordable, they can be easily carried in your bag or backpack.

You know. To avoid unpleasant situations with food on your trips, Esjoy products can be your best ally.
