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The best return to school with Esjoy's advice

La mejor vuelta al cole con los consejos de Esjoy

Summer is coming to an end and a new school year will soon begin. At Esjoy we want to offer you some tips to make your return to routine a success:

  • Adapt to new schedules and adopt an orderly sleep routine . Returning to work and school and university means that getting up late is over. Our advice is to gradually adapt your body. Introducing changes in the last days of vacation will help you to face the first days after vacation in better conditions.

  • Goodbye to those extra pounds from summer! We all know that on vacation we can neglect the subject of food more than necessary, but if you have gained a few extra pounds, there is no problem. It is all about returning to good eating habits and opting for a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, you already know that thanks to our Plenny Drink and Plenny Shake shakes and Twenny Bar bars, you will always receive the nutrients you need. With Esjoy , not having time to cook is no excuse not to eat well.

  • Always with positive thinking and the support of family and friends . We all know that returning to routine can be a bit of an uphill struggle. Having a positive mindset when facing this time of year will help us make it more bearable. Likewise, family and friends can always support us when stress wants to take over our lives.

  • Don't forget moments of leisure and relaxation . The arrival of a new school year doesn't mean saying goodbye to free time. You should plan your schedules well and leave time to go out for a drink with friends, play sports, go on excursions, watch a new series or film... These are tasks that will help you cope better with returning to work or school.

We hope you had a great summer with your family and friends and we thank you for continuing to trust in our products. You can buy our Savings Pack at a very interesting price by clicking on the button below. Happy back to school and back to work for everyone!
