Numbers: Homo sapiens have been crazy about them ever since the ancient Egyptians invented them in 3100 BC.
We've seen a lot of numbers but we still haven't been able to get enough. And as always, we're here to please. So buckle up because we're flying through 2019 as the #2 morning after Mexican dinner.
3 is the magic number, but also the number of plant-based products we have for you. Plenny Shake, Plenny Drink and Plenny Bar. What would our lives be without these products?
1522 is the number of trees we planted during Green Friday. I can't believe we now have a Green Friday forest.
28,630,750.39 grams is the amount of carbon dioxide that our forest can absorb, PER YEAR.
10,927 km was the longest trip one of our packages covered. We assume he is now relaxing in some of Chile's beautiful desert landscapes.
329 is the amount of CO2 tonnes we have offset by our deliveries. For those interested, this is the same amount as travelling 131 times around the world by train.
88 is the number of countries that Jimmy Joy products reach, Spain of course being one of the most important countries where a large part of our products arrive, thank you 💪. 88, such a beautiful number, it seems infinite, TWICE.
This year, customer service resolved 42,288 issues. 42,288 issues, what a team. If you are as amazed as we were and want to know all about the brains behind this team, visit the About Us page.
25 million is the amount of meals we have sold. 25 million! That's like feeding North Korea. 식사 를 즐기 십시오
5 is the number of flavours we are introducing this year for Plenny Shake Active: Vanilla, Strawberry, Banana, Chai Latte and Neutral flavour. High five!
100 is the percentage of nutrients we provide to you ♫ Anywhere, anytime ♫