The gut microbiome is the totality of microorganisms, of which bacteria are the most studied. They are present in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and are crucial for human health [2,3]. The gut microbiota plays an important role in the absorption of nutrients and minerals, the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), and the synthesis of enzymes, amino acids, and vitamins [3]. It may seem like we should cover all the bacteria in the gut, but some bacteria can cause disease. So, what is a healthy gut?
When we talk about gut health, this indicates the perfect balance between “good” and “bad” microorganisms in the GIT [3,4]. In other words: a lack of beneficial bacteria can lead to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. But don’t worry, this also works the other way around! Bacteria such as Peptostreptoccus , Bifidobacterium , Lactobacillus and Clostridium can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy gut [5,6]. Did you know that nutrition is considered one of the main drivers in shaping the gut microbiota throughout life [4]? Two parts of our diet can positively influence this, namely prebiotics and probiotics.
Prebiotics are defined as “ A selectively fermented ingredient that results in specific changes in the composition and/or activity of the gastrointestinal microbiota, thereby conferring benefit(s) on the health of the host .” In other words, prebiotics are a collective term for substances such as non-digestible carbohydrates and fibers that feed our beneficial microbiota. Foods such as whole grains and fruits contain high amounts of prebiotics. [7,8]
All types of prebiotics have one thing in common: they cannot be absorbed by our body. This means that they remain intact throughout the digestive tract. Until they reach our guts! Here, the prebiotics interact with the intestinal flora. The prebiotics are fermented and used as fuel by the beneficial bacteria in our large intestine. As a result of this process, the beneficial bacteria in our gut produce substances that acidify the large intestine. An acidic environment is beneficial for the growth of these bacteria and inhibits the growth of harmful ones! [7-10]
The World Health Organization defines probiotics as “ live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host .” Despite the fact that probiotics are fairly new, there has not yet been any substantial research done to make a health claim! Many scientists are researching this field where more promising results are likely to be obtained in the near future. [11]
As mentioned above, beneficial microorganisms can inhibit the overgrowth of harmful ones. This is exactly where probiotics come in handy. Furthermore, probiotics have their own individual health benefits that can vary depending on the family and strain. This range of benefits includes reducing symptoms of digestive disorders, weight loss, improving gut health, and promoting immune health [3].
Although live microorganisms may sound a bit scary, probiotics are not entirely new to our bodies. Most are similar to naturally occurring microorganisms in our bodies, such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus [6,11]. These species are also found in some foods such as sauerkraut, yogurt, and kimchi [12]. However, not all microorganisms are suitable for use as probiotics. The most important feature of probiotics is that they must be able to reach the GIT alive, be resistant to technological processes, and remain stable in acid and bile [13]. One type of microorganism that meets all of those requirements is Bacillus coagulans ( B. Coagulans ).
Bacillus coagulans is a lactic acid-producing bacteria, thus supporting digestion and the immune system. Unlike Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus , B. Coagulans forms spores [14, 15]. This results in the ability to survive gastric acid and reach the small intestine intact. Because of these beneficial effects, this type of probiotic is currently produced by multiple companies in numerous variations.
At Jimmy Joy we are committed to providing you with the healthiest food scientifically possible. And keeping your gut healthy is an important part of that. By adding both prebiotics and probiotics, the so-called symbiotic effect is achieved: prebiotics can be used as fertilizer for probiotics. So, let's find out how we keep your gut happy! [16]
The prebiotics we use in our products come from inulin, oats, soy and flaxseed. Let's see why we chose these sources.
We added inulin because it serves as a direct food source for some of the good microflora in your gut. They help keep you healthy by leaving less room for bad bacteria to grow. Inulin also helps with weight control and increases calcium absorption [17, 18].
Oats are the main ingredient in our Plenny smoothies and the main prebiotics in oats are soluble fibers called β-glucans. β-glucans do a lot for you: not only do they confuse you on how to pronounce their name, they can also lower your blood pressure and blood cholesterol level. As a result, they can reduce the risk of heart disease, which is helpful if you have one [19]. On top of that, β-glucans help improve the glucose response rate after meals and thus improve insulin sensitivity [20-22].
We need to have a little chat about an unavoidable side effect of food: poop. The faster the stool leaves your body, the better, because it reduces the time that cancer-causing compounds are in your gut [19]. Soy has a lot of insoluble fiber: mainly hemicellulose and cellulose, which are polymers that make up plant cell walls [23]. These compounds help increase the weight and volume of stool. And if you remember Newton and the apple, gravity will make heavier stool leave your gut faster. It's like a Formula One race in your gut, with turds instead of cars. We're very sorry about this visual.
Last but not least: flaxseed. Flaxseed is an excellent source of viscous fibers [24], named for the way they form gels when mixed with body fluids [25]. These fibers have an overall effect on lowering blood pressure and, as a result, may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease [26]. Like soy fibers, flaxseed also contributes to the Formula One race by increasing stool weight and volume [24, 27].
To top it off, all of these fibers can be converted into short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) [19], which makes your immune system work better [24].
ProDURA® is one of the brands that produces Bacillus coagulans UABc-20. While the similarities between brands and types should be high, ProDURA has some specific benefits that stand out. ProDURA® has a protective coating that remains dormant until it meets the perfect conditions of heat, pH, and moisture found in the large intestine. Based on its composition, this strain can survive extreme processing, shipping, and storage, in addition to the natural challenges of the digestive tract.
When studied, the ProDURA® brand of Bacillus coagulans appeared to have the highest survival rate at 105°C [28]. Therefore, Plenny Shake now includes this type of probiotic to support your digestion and immunity.
In conclusion, beneficial bacteria in our gut can inhibit the overgrowth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy gut. This can be achieved by implementing prebiotics and probiotics into your diet. Probiotics leave less room for harmful bacteria and prebiotics feed these beneficial gut bacteria. For this reason, our products contain both prebiotics and probiotics. Click here to see our entire product range!