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Long live oats! This is how Jimmy Joy's star ingredient can help you

¡Viva la avena! Así os puede ayudar el ingrediente estrella de Jimmy Joy

One of the most talked about foods today is oats, and the truth is that their popularity goes far beyond a fad. The nutritional experts who designed our Twenny Bar bars and Plenny Shake and Plenny Drink shakes were clear that including oats as a star ingredient had many advantages , and that is why they decided to go for this cereal.

We all have stressful weeks, whether due to work, family or other reasons, so it never hurts to have natural allies that help us feel calmer.

In this section, oats stand out for being a cereal rich in gramine (an alkaloid that has calming effects), which means that it can be very good for calming us down in times of stress .

In addition to the above, another condition that makes it a very attractive food is the fact that it contributes to good digestion , so its consumption will reduce stomach pain and bloating.

Another interesting thing about oats is that they offer proteins that contain more essential amino acids than any other type of protein. These are amino acids that cannot be produced by the human body and we need to obtain them from external sources such as food.

Oats are also positioned as an ideal weapon to combat the dreaded cholesterol that plagues so many people in Spain.

It is certainly interesting to know that around 45% of the fatty acids in oats are polyunsaturated fats (the best type for reducing blood cholesterol levels), as well as the fact that it is a cereal that contains beta glucans (another highly recommended fiber in the battle against bad cholesterol).

What are you waiting for to try the Twenny Bar bars and the Plenny Shake and Plenny Drink shakes?

You can easily buy them using the buy button below !
