Plenny Shake For 6 Months With A Blood Test
Lee Primeau has been eating nothing but our Plenny Shake for six months. Just as an experiment. The six months are now up and we are happy to announce that Lee is still alive and kicking. Not only that, he has some medical evidence to back it up. As he is a BSc Food and Nutrition student at the University of Alabama, he went and had his blood tested before, during and after the experiment. You can read all about it on “Lee’s” blog here : But we also tried to summarize the results and make it readable for all of you.
But TL;DR, he's perfectly healthy.
First, the good
Ideally, you want the ratio of your high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) to overall cholesterol to be less than 3.5 to 1. When Lee began her experiment, her ratio was 3.5 to 1. After a month of Plenny Shakes, it dropped to 3.2 to 1. Which is a good thing, because that gives you less chance of heart disease.
Lee started the experiment at a weight of 82 Kg (181 lbs). In the first two months he lost 13 Kg (29 lbs) to about 69 Kg (152 lbs). He stayed around that weight until the end of the experiment. For his height, that's the perfect BMI, which was 21. Pretty incredible.
Overall, blood sugar and blood pressure improved throughout the experiment. (and)
Slightly less good things
Vitamin B12
Lee's vitamin B-12 intake was too high. Although he believes that makes sense since he was consuming more than the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) since he needed more calories.
Vitamin D
On a bad note: Lee's vitamin D (250H) was too low in the middle of his experiment. To correct this, his doctor put him on a daily dose of 800 IU of vitamin D. This could be because international guidelines for vitamin D are too low and might need correction. Either way, our food expert is looking into this now.
Lee's conclusion in his own words:
“If someone were to ask me, do you think Plenny Shake is a product capable of completely replacing meals one day? My answer would be a resounding yes. This experiment has proven that Plenny Shake is safe to consume long term. In the end, I became healthier by consuming 100% Plenny Shakes. It is a great option if you are looking for something quick and on the go, much more so than the current fast food options available today. Move over Ronald McDonald Jimmy Joy is on the fast track to success!”