July '21
Hello everyone,
Another week down and this is what happened.
So this week I was able to stick to the meal plan very well, but I haven't had time to maintain a consistent exercise routine. The intention was to wake up (while my family was sleeping) early most days of the week, which I do, but I always find myself logging into my computer and handling the day-to-day. Sending emails, closing out the necessary day-to-day administrative tasks. It's a constant struggle to stay on track and balance exercise, work, family matters, and day-to-day business.
There are some changes on the horizon that will help my situation, recently my gym announced that it will be open 24/7 and starting next week I will be working out 36 hours a week. My plan is to start slow and go from there. So I will stick to a caloric intake of no more than 2200 kcal a day and work out 1 day a week at the gym. Once I get used to that routine I will increase it to two days a week and eventually to the ultimate goal of 3 days a week.
I haven't been weighing myself, as I want the end result to be a surprise not only for you, the audience, but for me as well.
What I like about Jimmy Joy is that it gives me more free time, and as you know, that is something I am currently limited on. Consuming it saves me the stress of planning my meals. It is easy to take with you on the go as it comes pre-packaged (Plenny Bar and Drink), can be put into a shaker (Plenny Shake) or you just need to add hot water to it (Plenny Pot).
Less stress helps me sleep better and in turn gives me more energy, which is a plus.
I realize that it is important to drink enough water while eating Plenny meals, so keep that in mind. It is important to remember that all Plenny Meals contain high amounts of fiber, so plan accordingly.
That's all for this week.
July '21
Hey everyone,
Another week bites the dust.
So this week I was able to exercise at least one day, yay! It felt like an accomplishment since I was really short on time. I went for a 20 minute run before work. Mainly, if I do run, it's usually at the gym due to my allergies, but on that particular day (it varies quite a bit) I found it to be tolerable. Mother Nature is a beast.
I implemented another trick that will help me reach my weight loss goal. That is increasing my NEAT. Which stands for non-exercise induced thermogenesis. Basically, any type of activity that burns calories but is not considered exercise, such as walking, typing, yard work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.
My work has a pretty big parking lot, so I'll be parking at the other end, so I'll have to walk further, which will earn me some NEAT points. Also, if possible, I take the stairs at work and will be doing some yard work this week. Another tip you can implement is to stand instead of sit. Every little bit counts.
As for Plenny Meals, I really enjoy eating them. They are easy to prepare and take on the go and can be consumed fairly quickly compared to other meals.
My wife also likes to eat them as they fit into our busy lifestyle.
That's all I have to say.
12 days later
August ´21
This week, I'm switching gears and doing an informative article about prebiotics and probiotics and how they can help us stay healthy.
Also, I'll talk a little bit about Bacillus Coagulans.
Let’s dive in; prebiotics are the food for the gut microbiome. Which are derived from dietary fibers, so making sure you get your daily intake of fruits and vegetables is a great way to ensure you get this much-needed health benefit. A healthy gut microbiome is linked to an improved immune system. So the adage, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, holds some weight here.
Probiotics are the actual beneficial bacterial strands within our intestines, which number in the billions. There are two main strains of beneficial bacteria for the human body which are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.
Let’s continue with the Plenny foods strain, Bacillus Coagulans. Although in its class (Bacillus), you may see them marketed as Lactobacillus. A study published in Taylor & Francis online by Hun, L in 2009 revealed that people who have IBS and took Bacillus Coagulans seemed to have improved abdominal pain and bloating. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3810/pgm.2009.03.1984 2)
This is interesting because compared to my first experiment with Jimmy Joy, I had a persistent gas problem during its consumption. I don't think this will be a problem with this experiment. Mind you; I was eating 100% Jimmy Joy meals the first time and now I was consuming 75% of my caloric intake through Plenny Meals. I can't help but think that maybe the probiotic included in this version may be the reason why this time, the gas problem is a thing of the past.
19 days later
August ´21
Hello everyone,
Sorry for my absence, my daughter was sick with the RS virus and in the end it spread to the whole family but we feel better.
So this week I'd like to talk about expectations versus reality.
When I started this experiment, I thought it was actually going to be easier than the previous experiment.
In fact, it has been quite the opposite.
What has changed since last time?
Well, our family has grown by one since the last experiment. This adds additional challenges, such as balancing my routine with my daughters' schedule.
Do any of you struggle to maintain your routines? If so, what are some good tips that have helped you maintain them?
I look forward to your responses and suggestions.
1 month later
October ´21
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay in posting. My family and I went on holiday (Mallorca) and there were a couple of days when I wasn't feeling well. But fear not, I've been consuming Jimmy Joy as planned all along.
What's new in my life? Last Sunday I ran a 5K race with a time of 29 minutes. I'm especially proud of that because I have allergies that usually force me to run inside most of the time, but that day the allergens weren't that high.
Jimmy Joy has become a fixture in my daily routine and I am now in a comfortable place. I like the ease of making it, just grab a shaker (Plenny Shake), add some water and pour Plenny Shake in, shake it up and you are good to go.
I'm excited to try all the flavors as there are some I haven't tried yet.
That's all for this week.
October ´21
Hello everyone,
Sorry for my absence but I'm happy to announce that I'm back. This past month has been interesting, as of this writing I have a couple of months left before this food experiment comes to an end. It's been quite interesting and I think it will yield interesting results.
I haven't been sticking to my exercise routine as much as I wanted, so I plan to stick to a regimen for the next few months to see what happens.
At the moment I have time for workouts you can do at home. So I'll be looking for some good apps or websites that feature them. If you have any good suggestions, I'm open to hearing them, so let me know.
I'll be making a short video soon where I'll tell you what my favorite Jimmy Joy Plenny Shake flavor is.
Since I'm a couple of forum posts behind and intend to make up for it, I'll be posting a couple of times a week here on the forum.
Lee Primeau
November ´21
Hello everyone,
As I mentioned earlier, I was able to stick to the experiment when it came to consuming Jimmy Joy meals, but I've been slacking off in the exercise department lately.
So what I plan to do is measure myself on the scale again now, write down my values, and see how much difference I can make between now and when the experiment ends in December.
If I really try, I'm curious to see how much exercise could make a difference in 30 days.
Let's see. =)
I will present the data at the end of the experiment.
November ´21
Hello everyone,
So, fearing that I might not be able to get the results I am looking for, I offered a proposal to Jimmy Joy staff. My plan is also to continue the experiment for a couple more months and post the results so far and get into a rigorous workout routine after a couple of months to compare the two.
I am waiting for your response. I hope you approve it because I am very curious to compare the two different methods.
We'll see and I'll keep you posted.
November ´21
Hello everyone,
So I'll start with an update on where I am now.
Here are the photos from my most recent weigh-in:

That means I've had a six-pound (2.72 kg) weight gain, about 1% loss of muscle mass, 1.4% gain in fat mass, and 1% loss of total body water.
This surprises me, as I would have thought I had lost weight, not gained (based on how looser my pants fit).
An additional metric I will be tracking from now on is my waist circumference, which is 96 cm or 36 inches.
Around the third month I was prescribed a medication with a side effect (I only recently found out) of weight gain. After speaking to my GP, he confirmed that the medication I am taking could cause weight gain. This could explain the additional weight gain I have experienced. After speaking to my GP, he told me that if I would like to experience weight loss to get into a consistent exercise regime.
We have decided to extend the experiment for another month so that we can implement the exercise regimen. I will be contacting the Jimmy Joy staff (and the forum here) in early January and we will go from there.
December ´21
So an update on the new workout routine. It’s going really well, I’ve been able to work out two days a week so far. I’ve already lost cm on my waist. I’m now 88 cm (34.6 inches) The interesting thing is that I now weigh 190 lbs (86.1 kilograms) So I lost cm on my waist but gained weight according to my scale. My muscle mass and fat percentage didn’t change too much. So I think the scale varies on your given weight. A more stable measurement is to measure my waist circumference. I’m glad I’m starting to see results. =)
I look forward to what's coming next week. I'll keep you all posted.
December ´21
Something interesting I want to share with you all. So yesterday was my checkup with the dentist and he said that my teeth were extraordinary in terms of cleanliness. This is really interesting because it is the complete opposite when you don't consume Jimmy Joy. I usually have areas that need to be cleaned.
This is the second time a dentist has said my teeth look great while taking Jimmy Joy. The first was during the original food experiment.
It seems that Jimmy Joy is really good for your teeth. Very cool.
27 days later
January ´22
Hello everyone,
First I would like to say Happy 2022 to everyone!
So since I last wrote, a few changes have happened. I started a new job and I walk from the station to my work which takes about 15 minutes racking up over 8,000 steps per day. So this is great for my fitness goals which will lead (already have) to weight loss.
I'm really digging Jimmy Joy as a food source.
I will give an update this week regarding where I am in regards to my current weight.
March ´22
Hello everyone,
It’s March and the experiment has officially come to an end! So let’s wrap up the project with some key takeaways and Lee’s pro tips for Jimmy Joy users.
The experiment : 4 Plenny meals per day and a traditional dinner. A total amount of 2200 kcal per day with 1600 kcal coming from Plenny meals.
Less stress, more energy, better sleep
Mindful meals reduced the stress in Lee's life. Working full-time and being a family man takes up most of his free time. Mindful meals gave him less stress, more energy, and helped him sleep better!
Less gas!
The prebiotics and probiotics in our Plenny Shakes and Plenny Pots may have caused less gas compared to Lee's first experiment when she consumed ONLY Plenny meals (no prebiotics or probiotics) for six months straight.
The winner: Plenny Shake
As the experiment continued, Lee increasingly preferred to eat Plenny Shakes alone rather than mixing it with Plenny Pots, Plenny Drinks or Plenny Bars. Lee: “This was done to make implementation easier. I can make the shakes and put them in the fridge the day before.”
Clean teeth
5 months after the experiment, the dentist noticed that Lee's teeth were noticeably clean. This is quite interesting because it's the complete opposite when he's not consuming Jimmy Joy. Lee usually has areas that need cleaning.
Lee's pro tips for when you're just starting out with Jimmy Joy or planning to increase your Plenny meal intake:
Tip #1. Drink enough water
Drink plenty of water to prevent gastrointestinal problems like gas or bloating. After each Plenny meal, I drink at least two cups (500 ml) of water.
Tip #2. Wait 20 minutes
Wait at least 20 minutes after consuming a Plenny meal before eating anything else. You may think you're still hungry, but especially with foods containing fat, it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to communicate to your brain that you're full.
Tip #3. Take it easy
If you're going to eat Plenny meals for the majority of your meals, don't jump in without a transition period. Eat 1 meal per day first and see how your body responds. Gradually increase the number of meals you eat to avoid gas and bloating.
We'd love to hear how your Plenny journey has been so far, if you have any questions or if there's anything you'd like to discuss. Leave a comment below!
Thanks everyone for tuning in and thanks, Lee, for coming to us with this idea!
Jimmy Joy Team