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Ask Lee: The man who will live with Plenny Meals for 6 months

Say hello to Lee, our new ambassador :wave:

He will be living with Plenny Comidas for the next 6 months.

As a Dietetics student, Lee Primeau was an early adopter of our meals and recognized that we were reshaping the future of food and nutrition. That's why, in 2016, he decided to live on Plenny Shake alone for 6 months straight. Yes , you read that right.

And guess what? After six months of SOLO Plenny Shake, her blood tests showed she had become healthier!

Now, five years later, Lee is ready to do it all again. Starting June 3, every day for six months, he will use Plenny meals for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Every meal except dinner – we're not monsters.

After the 6-month experiment, we will update the article with new information, blood test results, and some of the most interesting questions and answers.

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the delay in posting, but there were a couple of hiccups along the way.

From now on I will post here every Sunday.

A little bit about me, my name is Lee Primeau and I was born in Plantation, Florida, USA. I currently live and work in the Netherlands. I have my Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Sciences with a major in Food and Nutrition from the University of Alabama.

I have had numerous jobs in my life, but the most memorable were my military service (US Air Force as a Military Police Officer) and my current field.

I am currently working in biotechnology where I grow cells for medicinal treatments.

I enjoy doing these experiments because it keeps me connected to the field I originally studied in. I like to push my body to see what results show up in the end.

In the experiment itself:

So I received the initial results from the lab and included them here. It is important to know that I received the first dose of the Corona (Pfizer) vaccine a couple of days before I had the labs taken. From the labs you can see that I am quite healthy and no values ​​had extremely high or low readings.

As for how I’ve been doing so far, ever since I started (June 3, 2021) I found it difficult to stick to the exact calorie range I specified. Some days I went slightly over or under my target of around 2200 kcal. This experiment is more difficult when I compare it to my previous experiment where I only ate Jimmy Joy meals and drank mostly water for six months straight. (see link above for more info) I find it interesting but from today onwards I will stick to the original plan which is to eat Jimmy Joy 4 times a day (breakfast Plenny Shake 95 grams, 1st snack 1 Plenny Bar, lunch 1 Plennypot, 2nd snack 1 Plennydrink and then a home-cooked dinner) for a total of 2200 kcal per day, of which JimmyJoy meals will comprise 1600 kcal.

I will be increasing my workout routine, the plan is to do exercises inside my house like jumping rope, push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, jumping jacks. I am eager to see if I can reach my goal of gaining at least 1% muscle mass, losing a minimum of 1% fat per month and finally reaching my goal weight of 159.6 lbs or 72.3 kg.

Today I took before photos of my body and started tracking my weight to include muscle mass, total body water, and fat percentage using my home scale. I wanted to use BodPod measurements, but that proved difficult to obtain with the current pandemic.

The values ​​are as follows:

Height: 5¨11 inches or 1.80 meters
Weight 181.4 lbs or 82.3 kg
Muscle percentage: 43.1
Total body water percentage: 63.4
Fat percentage: 15.5
Target weight difference: 21.8 lbs or 9.9 kg
Kcal per day: 2200 (which means it is needed to reach the goal)
BMI: 25.3 placing me only in the overweight category which is between 25.0-29.9. (source CDC)

As for how I felt, I like how Jimmy Joy products are easy and convenient to make. Right now I'm very busy starting a new job, being a husband and a father. I've also found that I have more energy than before and I'm sleeping better.

I hope you enjoy the experiment and I look forward to hearing from you.
