We have completed 18 months of operation in Spain. We are still alive, growing and eager to share our anecdotes with you. 2019 was a year of adaptation to the Spanish market. The most important thing is that we enjoy what we do, each order that arrives at our store is received with the same joy and excitement as the first. As a curious fact, our first order arrived on August 4, 2018.
Our goals are set: to continue growing in Spain, and now also in Portugal. Secondly, to consolidate ourselves with Jimmy Joy as the best meal replacement company, and we are on the right track.
2019 figures
Between 2018 and 2019 we grew by 2,948% (crazy). As for consolidating ourselves as the best replacement brand, we can tell you that we receive new customers every day, and others who come from different brands and are very satisfied when they try our product, but not only that, we have taken special care in customer service, we try to resolve 100% of all customer doubts, complaints and suggestions.
The results of these 18 months show us that we were not wrong when we decided to change our professions as chef and lawyer for the exciting world of E-commerce, and of course that our best decision was to have opted for an innovative, modern, different product that has a great future.
Here are some of our figures:
Traffic and conversion
Total visits 111,132
Unique visits 94,794
Of which 65,642 were from mobile phones
Conversion rate 2%
Best month for conversion rate February 4.25%
Worst month for conversion rate August 0.95%
Average shopping cart ticket 58.80€
# of orders per month +250, including Amazon and offline sales
The best-selling product is the Plenny Shake , with approximately 25,000 units, the best-selling flavors being chocolate, vanilla and banana.
In the last quarter of 2019 we obtained our first profit with Esjoy, for the first time we were in + positive in our balance sheet, we had everything planned, since we knew in advance that making money with a business does not happen overnight, but the quarterly growth percentage shows us that people's mentality and needs are changing and our product will replace the traditional food model by a percentage.
Something that is starting to work very well for us is subscription purchasing, about 25% of our sales were obtained with this system, (for those of you who are not very clear, we promise a video explaining how the system works)
Of course, not everything has been positive, we have lost money on poorly invested marketing, on unprofessional freelancers and on suppliers who provide poor service, but we have still managed to position ourselves as a reference with our product in Spain, so much so that in March 2019 we won the award for the best E-commerce in Spain https://bit.ly/2vhQtxK , at the e-show event; for those of you who are interested in starting your project in the online world with a store, we recommend attending the fairs that are organized around the sector, we ourselves had the opportunity to attend 6 fairs organized in Barcelona and Madrid, including the e-show fair, the packlink fair and the prestashop-paypal fair (although our commerce platform is with Shopify).
We would like to thank you all for trying our products and including them in your diet as a normal thing. Don't worry, you are not aliens for drinking food, even though many people think otherwise. We would also like to thank all those who recommend us to their friends and those who leave us a comment.
As a second curious fact, we were contacted by RTVE's current affairs command, they are thinking of doing a special called "the food of the future" , if they choose us to appear on the program we will tell you when and where!
More information about the brand, the products and us coming soon.
Our social networks are active, you can follow us to comment on our posts!
Thank you for joining us. ️