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Tips to Reduce Meat Consumption

Consejos para Reducir el Consumo de Carne

Many of us love our steak and burgers. Unfortunately, the planet and our health don't. We know it's hard to stop completely, but cutting back on them will also help a lot! To help you out, we've created a list of tips that are easy to follow — use them to get started on your progress toward a healthier diet for you and the planet.

Tip #1: Cut it in half

Cut back on meat in your diet by simply using half of what you normally would. To make up for it, you simply fill your plate with vegetables and beans! By doing this, your body (aka you) will get used to filling up on vegetables and legumes instead of meats. Not only will this cut back on your meat intake effortlessly, but it will also be easier on your wallet.

Tip: Put some beans in that burger bun for once! Instead of making a burger out of ground beef, try making half of it out of beans. Just as filling, just as delicious.

Tip #2: Elimination process

Eliminate some types of meat as a first step.

Tip: Both processed meats (sausages, for example) and red meat have been shown to be bad for our health, especially when compared to other meats (1). Numerous studies have found them linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and premature death (2) (3). Plus, red meat leaves a larger carbon footprint on our planet. Compared to chicken, it takes ten times more resources to produce beef (4). It just takes a little willpower to pass up that hot dog for a no-dog.

Tip #3: Meatless Monday

This is the oldest trick in the books, even my parents use it, but it's so effective. Dedicating one day a week to not eating meat allows you to plan exciting adventures in vegetarian cooking and the opportunity to try out all those new vegan places you've been wanting to try. By having that day off, you've already reduced your meat consumption by 14%! Look at that! Want some recipe tips? Check out the next tip...

Tip #4: Have fun cooking without meat

Thanks to the influx of plant-based diets, chefs have created tons of super healthy and delicious vegan recipes. Experiment with spices, try out new flavor combinations, and sample the ever-growing catalog of meat substitutes to see what you like. There's a wide world of vegetarian cuisine waiting for you; from meatless mezze, to delicious dosa, to juicy jackfruit tacos. It's yours to explore. There are plenty of comfort foods outside your comfort zone, just waiting for you to discover them.

Tip: Try our meatless Jimmy Joy burger!

Tip #5: Educate yourself

Many people have been inspired to drastically reduce their meat consumption by watching documentaries about meat production. These documentaries give you an insight into the story behind the meat you are eating and allow you to gain a broader view of the complex, and often grueling, process.

Some suggestions:
- Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
- Food, Inc. (2008)
- Forks Over Knives (2011)

BE WARNED: some images may be shocking to the faint of heart.

Tip #6: Keep it easy, drink Plenny Shake

Not only is the Plenny Shake meatless, it's 100% vegan! You can whip it up in a minute, and one meal has all the nutrients your body needs. These come from protein, carbs, and fat, and all 26 essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to function well. Considering how easy we've made it for you, you really don't have an excuse not to be flexible anymore. This week, choose #PlennyShakeOverSteak.


1. Chen et al., 2012, Red and processed meat consumption and risk of stroke: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67, 91-95.

2. Guasch-Ferré et al., 2019, Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of red meat consumption in comparison with various diets on cardiovascular risk factors, Circulation,139(15), 1828-1845.

3. Gunnars, 2018, Is red meat bad for you, or good? An objective look, Healthline.

4. Leahy, 2019, Choosing chicken over beef cuts our carbon footprints a surprising amount, National Geographic.
