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Tips for a healthier 2020

Consejos para un año 2020 más saludable

We've arrived at 2020 eager to improve some aspects of our lives that could use a change. Weeks go by and good intentions don't end up translating into action. Through four easy-to-put-into-practice tips, we want to help you lead a healthier lifestyle in the new year:

1.- Improve your health. It is important to say goodbye to excess fat in our diet, so that we can implement a healthier routine in our meals. Thanks to Esjoy you can achieve this. Our foods are very healthy, as they have essential vitamins and minerals that will keep your body healthier. Likewise, reducing fatty foods will allow you to improve digestion and sleep better.

2.- Protect the planet more. The production of animal-based foods is a drain on our planet by increasing greenhouse gas emissions. To do our bit in environmental matters, all the products we sell are 100% plant-based and, in the case of the Twenny Bar, completely vegetarian. If you opt for healthy eating at Esjoy, you will be helping to reduce your carbon footprint. On the other hand, we also recommend eating less meat and dairy products, and more protein-rich plants such as beans, legumes and nuts.

3.- Take care of your time and diet. The busy life we ​​tend to lead with our work routine means that we have less and less time to prepare meals. Esjoy foods will help you make the most of your free time, since they can be consumed instantly anywhere. In this sense, not having time to cook will no longer be an excuse to postpone or skip meals.

4.- Help your pocket. Eating out involves high expenses if you want to eat healthily, or resorting to fast food, which is cheaper but has negative consequences for our body if we consume it frequently. With Esjoy you can eat healthy food at affordable prices, anywhere and at any time. For example, a Plenny Shake meal of 400 kcal costs just 1.19 euros.

Thank you very much for having accompanied us during 2019 and we hope to continue counting on your trust during the coming year. All of us who are part of Esjoy wish you a prosperous 2020 full of health, peace, happiness and a healthy and greener life!
