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Jimmy Joy Liquid Diet Tips for Broken Jaw, Eating Disorders & More

liquid diet

Why would I ever need to go on a liquid diet?

Plenny shakes are great for their convenience, especially if you need to eat a nutritionally complete meal on the go. That being said, following a full liquid diet is not something you should attempt lightly. Physically and medically, there are many reasons to follow a liquid diet.

Liquid diets are the only option for some people, such as some elderly people and people who have illnesses that prevent them from eating solid foods properly. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a good example: it's a lung disease in which patients often lack appetite and end up underweight. People recovering from eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia who need to gain weight but resist eating can also benefit greatly from a liquid diet.

So, you see, people who choose Plenny Shake aren't just lazy. They may have a very, very good reason for switching from solid foods to liquids.

I have a broken jaw. Do I need to go on a liquid diet?

That must suck! I'm sorry to hear that. A broken jaw definitely requires you to switch to a liquid diet, because eating normally isn't going to happen for a while. A straw will become your best friend. You're also going to be using your blender a lot.

Keep reading, this article is for you!

What kind of liquid foods can I eat with a broken jaw?

Say hello to soft foods like applesauce, smoothies with small pieces of cooked (not raw) fruit and vegetables, or yogurt mixed with a good protein powder.

The important thing to remember is to vary your liquid diet so you don't get bored and still get a wide range of nutrients.

Good thing we're the experts when it comes to non-boring liquid foods. Not only does Plenny Shake come in five amazing flavors, it's also packed with all the essential nutrients and vitamins you need every day.

What should be part of a complete and healthy liquid diet?

In a perfect world, a full and complete liquid diet should have:

    • 30-40 grams of fiber. Ideally, 50% of fiber should be water-soluble, such as the fibers we get from barley and oats, legumes like beans and lentils, and fruits and vegetables. The other 50% of the recommended daily amount should be insoluble, such as those found in whole grains and cereals.
    • Slow-digesting carbohydrates, not sugars
    • Less than 10% of total fat should be saturated fat
    • The recommended daily amount of vitamins and minerals.
    • At least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight

    If all that sounds complicated to figure out, don't worry. We've already done the work for you. Just grab a Plenny Shake and boom. No math olympiads required.

    How do I switch to a liquid diet from a regular solid food diet?

    As slowly as possible. Listen to your body and don't shock your system. Transitioning from a liquid diet to solid foods should also be slow. Pro tip: When you can move your jaw again, don't eat everything in sight just because you can. Trust us. It won't be pretty.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a liquid diet food that contained all the carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibers, vitamins and minerals in the quantities that humans need every day? Oh wait. It's called Plenny Shake! Get yours by clickingy clickingy on the linky.

    And finally: don't worry. A liquid diet doesn't have to be boring, taste horrible, or mean the end of the world. Our job is to help you have fun with it, too.

    I'm going on a liquid diet.

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    For this article, we consulted licensed dietitian Dascha Willemsen from Dietistpraktijk DDietist in Amsterdam. Thanks Dascha!
