Registered Dietitian Dascha on Jimmy Joy, Nutrition & Nutritional Myths

June 30, 2019
Dascha Willemsen is a quality registered dietitian and certified cognitive behavioral therapist for dietetics. She has over 8 years of experience as a dietitian and runs her own practice called Dietist practitioner DDiëtist . Dascha specializes in several directions, including organic food, eating disorders and hormonal disorders. That's why we sat down together to find out more about her point of view on nutrition.
Why do you do what you do?
I am a dietitian because I really enjoy knowing what nutrition does to your physical and mental functions. Food is like fuel for a car; if you put the wrong fuel in it, it doesn't run well or at all. That's also what it is like with your body, mind, and what you decide to put in it. Therefore, I find it very interesting to learn more about nutrition and behavior so I can transfer my knowledge to my clients.
That makes sense. Do you also have an overview of nutrition?
I am mainly dedicated to diets with pure foods, to stabilising hormones in the body and, very importantly, to learning to listen to the body's signals. I do not believe in quick diets, but in gradually adjusting your eating habits and shaping them constructively. In addition, I am in favour of a complete diet that also leaves room for enjoyment. This is very important. By a complete diet I mean meals in which all the required micro and macronutrients are represented in the right proportions, so that you really feed your body instead of just filling it up.
Do you think Jimmy Joy could help with that?
In my practice, I recommend Jimmy Joy to clients who have little time for breakfast or lunch. For example, people who travel a lot often experience this problem. I also help some clients with swallowing complaints, for which I also advise using Jimmy Joy. Plenny Shakes and Plenny Drink in particular, as they are liquid. In addition, it is also a solution for clients who have difficulty getting their calories by consuming only solid foods.
Sorted. Are there certain nutritional myths or assumptions that you believe are incorrect?
Superfoods are not goji berries, blackberries, chia seeds, etc. In the production of these foods, a lot of pesticides are used because they have to be imported from China, for example. My advice: find your superfoods closer to home! Think of kale, cauliflower, and broccoli. These are also great examples of superfoods.
Yeah. Random question, but what is your earliest childhood memory?
This is a tough one, let me think... The first memory that comes to mind now is the time when I didn't finish my plate. As a "punishment" my parents didn't allow me to have dessert. Then I secretly snuck over to my grandparents' house because they lived next door and they gave me cookies. At that moment my dad unexpectedly burst in and got a little angry with me as this was obviously not supposed to happen ;). I think I was 5 years old when this happened.
Hahaha. Funny coincidence, this was also related to food. Finally, which Jimmy Joy product do you like the most?
I really enjoy the Twenny Bars because I use them the most. They fill up well and are so convenient for them. I don't have time for lunch. Or sometimes I'll have half a Twenny Bar as a snack. I'm really looking forward to an expansion of the collection. Hint Hint.
Consider yourself lucky, because we are working on it. I can't post much about it right now, but keep an eye on our social media to stay tuned.
Will do!