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Climbing Kilimanjaro

April 3, 2016

By Abel van Gijlswijk

We all know how important food is to your everyday activities. But what if what you're doing right now isn't your thing? What if you're, say, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro? What do you do while eating? One thing is clear: climbing a mountain is NOT your regular daily activity... unless you're a goat or something, in which case we recommend you lay off the Plenny Shakes.

But if you're reading this, there's a good chance you're a person, so let's talk more about nutrition for mountain climbing. It's extremely important to bring enough food with you when you're on this kind of adventure, but weight is also an issue. See where we're going with this? A Plenny shake is the perfect option to consume enough water and nutrients to keep you climbing regularly, providing you with the energy needed to keep climbing!

Turns out someone actually went ahead and did exactly that! We had a chat with Renee, who was having a Plenny Shake on top of Kilimanjaro.

Renee Dijkhuis just climbed the highest mountain in Africa. We gave her some Plenny Shake to survive the climb. In return, we got a couple of really cool photos of her drinking a Plenny Shake on top of Kilimanjaro. We called her up to get some important questions answered. Like: why? And why?


Renee, you climbed the highest mountain in Africa. Wow. And most importantly, why?

To raise money for War Child. I've been donating to them for quite some time and always wanted to work there. Psychology distracted me and I started working with autistic people, but I still wanted to contribute. Then this challenge came along.

I never liked mountains, but I thought that as a challenge, climbing one could be cool. Getting people to donate was a bigger challenge than the climb to be honest.

You asked us for some Plenny shakes.

Yes, I heard about Plenny Shakes through the grapevine. I immediately loved it when I tried some. It gave me a good feeling. A long, steady feeling of fullness. And it's perfect when you're not a great cook, like me. Before taking the Kili-Challenge I got advice from a dietician. I was quite impressed by the content of the Plenny Shake. That's when I was sold.

You sound like a Jimmy Joy commercial.

Hahaha yes. I have been like one. Some of the autistic people I work with started using Plenny Shakes too. For many of them, cooking is just another thing that requires energy and focus. So something as easy and nutritious as a Plenny Shake is perfect.

Always happy to help! So when did you have a Plenny Shake on Kilimanjaro?

I replaced one meal with Jimmy Joy, usually lunch. During the summit attempt you walk for more than seven hours straight, that's when a Plenny shake comes in handy.

What effect does climbing a mountain have on a human being?

I got really sick on the third day. A nasty headache that put me in this negative mindset. All I could do was cry and think: what am I doing here? But the thing about mountains is that your body needs to adapt. Getting to the top was really hard too. You leave camp around 11pm and start walking for seven hours straight. No one talks. Once you get to the first peak, you cry and high-five, but at that point you still have to climb to the top and walk all the way back.

Okay, on a slightly more fun note: do high altitudes affect the taste of Plenny shakes?

A lot! It's freezing up there. So when I brought in a Plenny Shake that was already mixed with water, it froze within the first half hour. I poured in some tea, which actually tasted pretty good. Earl Grey with a banana-flavored Plenny Shake!


What do other climbers eat?

Well, the organization gave us little lunch boxes with these nasty sandwiches. During the summit attempt, people were eating energy bars, but they were frozen too. In fact, I think Plenny Shakes would be a good idea for everyone climbing a mountain. Which seems to be a lot of people!

What do you eat now that you're back below sea level?

Same, actually! I eat a Plenny shake for lunch every day. And I plan to continue doing that. It makes me feel fit.

By the way, did you achieve your goal for War Child!

I did it! I collected 3500 euros!

Amazing! What's next?

War Child is doing a project for children of war refugees here in the Netherlands. Maybe I'll join that. Or maybe I'll learn to kite surf.

Great Renee. Have fun!
