Complete Guide To Intermittent Fasting
In this guide we will discuss:
- What is intermittent fasting?
- How to do intermittent fasting
- What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?
- What are the disadvantages of intermittent fasting?
- Should I try intermittent fasting?
- How can Jimmy Joy help with intermittent fasting?
- Find the most suitable product to break your fast here
What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is simply put, an eating pattern that doesn't change the foods you eat, but instead focuses primarily on when you eat them. It's basically a general term that encompasses cycling between periods of time of fasting and non-fasting.
Although IF became trendy recently, it is not entirely novel. It all started even by ancient hunter-gatherers who had no supermarkets or freezers, so they basically had no access to food year-round. If they couldn't find anything to eat, they simply didn't eat. As a consequence, humans evolved to function without food for long periods of time. [1,2]

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Since we can now rely on our beloved refrigerators, freezers, and supermarkets, food availability is no longer our primary reason for engaging in (intermittent) fasting. Currently, IF has gained popularity due to a possible relationship found with weight loss and improved metabolic health. [3, 4] However, this approach to IF is still in its early stages and additional clinical research is needed to draw definitive conclusions. [5]
However, the results of many small, short-term studies support the existence of health benefits of IF. That's why we put together this guide on how to start incorporating IF into your life.
This guide will tell you everything you need to know before trying an IF diet. We’ll first dive into the different types of IF. Next, we’ll tell you about the benefits and drawbacks of this eating pattern. And finally, we’ll show you how Jimmy Joy can be a helpful companion when you commit to an IF diet. Enjoy the ride!
How to do intermittent fasting
As mentioned above, IF is an eating pattern that doesn’t change what foods you eat, but when you eat them. This concept can be implemented in different ways, depending on lifestyle and goals. Buckle up for a quick dive into the three main categories of IF approaches!
Modified fasting regimens
The modified fasting regimen allows for the consumption of 20-25% of energy on scheduled days. An example to make is the 5:2 diet , which was invented by the doctor and journalist Michael Mosley. He dedicated several books to this type of fasting, accompanied by recipes and scientific backing. But how does it work? The name says it all! For five days a week, a normal amount of calories can be ingested. This amount is restricted to 25% of normal intake on the other two non-consecutive days, which corresponds to a daily intake of about 500 calories for women and 600 for men. Despite reducing your energy intake for two days, there is still little evidence considering its effect on weight loss and metabolic changes compared to standard energy restriction regimes. [6-8]

Alternate day fasting
The alternate-day fasting approach focuses on fasting days where no energy-containing foods or beverages are consumed. An example of this approach is the Eat Stop Eat diet. This method is characterized by two non-consecutive fasting days per week and was developed by Brad Pilon during his graduate research on short-term fasting.
The alternate-day fasting method appears as effective as simple caloric restrictions considering e.g. fasting insulin and glucose concentrations and triglyceride concentrations as shown in animal studies. In addition to that, a positive effect on metabolic parameters is shown in human studies, but the evidence is limited. However, due to self-reported hunger on fasting days that did not decrease over time, this approach is less popular and more difficult to implement than others. [6, 9-10]

Time-restricted feeding
An easier approach to implement into your lifestyle is the time-restricted feeding approach. Here, days are divided into a window of consumption and fasting intervals ranging from 12 to 20 hours. One way to do this is the 16:8 method , which originated from the book 8 Hour Diet by David Zinczenko and Peter Moore, who suggest that your body needs periods of fasting to process the nutrients you consume. While research is limited, several animal studies have shown a link to this approach and maintaining optimal metabolic functions. Time-restricted feeding compared to the above approaches has been shown to be easier to maintain for a longer period, as shown in one of the few studies done on humans. [6,11-13]

What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?
There have been many promising studies done on IF, both in animals and humans. As mentioned above, it is important to understand that some studies have more scientific evidence than others. Since IF is still a fairly new area of research, many of the health effects have only been observed in cells or in animals. In humans, IF is safe and considered effective, but not more effective than any other diet. [14]
However, according to some studies, there are some specific benefits that can be attributed to IF, which we will explain in detail below!
Benefits for prediabetes and insulin resistance
Some studies suggest that there are positive outcomes for prediabetes (people with higher than normal blood sugar levels) who fast. According to a 2018 study, conducted by E.F. Sutton et. al, eTRF (Early Time Restricted Feeding – a unique style of IF where an individual must consume the majority of their calories in the early hours of the day) improved insulin sensitivity, β-cell responsiveness, blood pressure, oxidative stress, and appetite. For this study, eight men with prediabetes were randomly assigned to either a 6-hour feeding window, with dinner before 3 p.m. or a control schedule, 12-hour feeding window for 5 weeks and then crossed over to the other schedule. [15]
Another study suggested that IF has some important benefits for insulin resistance and can lead to an impressive reduction in blood sugar levels. [16] What this implies is that IF may be interesting for people who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, at least for prediabetic men, because one study in women showed that blood sugar control worsened after a 22-day IF protocol. [17]
Reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress.
Have you heard of oxidative stress? It is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can lead to damage to cells and tissues. It also plays a role in the aging process. [18]
Some studies have shown that IF can improve the body's resistance to oxidative stress. [19, 20] Research among 40 healthy volunteers between 20 and 39 years old showed positive results on the body's inflammatory status and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. [21] There were also some studies suggesting that IF could reduce inflammation (the body's response to injury), which is linked to various diseases. [20, 22, 23]
Intermittent fasting for weight loss
IF is considered a popular weight loss strategy, which may have independent health benefits. However, based on the studies conducted, no strong recommendations can be made at this time about IF for weight loss. A systematic review of 40 clinical studies found that IF was effective for weight loss, with a typical loss of 3-5 kilos over 10 weeks. However, the variability in study size was wide, ranging from 4 to 334 subjects, and followed from 2 to 104 weeks. These studies used different study designs and IF methods, and subject characteristics differed (lean vs. obese). Half of the studies were controlled trials, meaning: comparing the fasting group to a comparison group and/or a control group (either continuous caloric restriction or habitual lifestyle), and the other half examining an IF group alone. According to the systematic review, IF may reduce body weight and possibly appetite, but not other adaptive responses such as brain activity. [24, 25]
Can it help you live longer?
Some people suggest that IF can improve your lifespan. Wait, what?! Yes, but don’t get your hopes up too high, because these findings were only found in mice. According to a 2018 study published in Cell Metabolism , longer time between meals made male mice healthier overall and lived longer compared to mice that ate more frequently. The scientist reported that their health and longevity improved with longer fasting time, regardless of how many calories they consumed or what food the mice ate. These findings are encouraging for future human studies, but unfortunately they don’t necessarily mean that we should all dive into an IF diet right away. The lifestyle and stressors one has are not comparable to that of an animal being studied, which is something to keep in mind. Plus, there are some restrictions necessary to study over a lifetime… Once we can time travel, we’ll hopefully know for sure. [26]

What are the disadvantages of intermittent fasting?
In addition to the limited evidence-based research, there may be other disadvantages to consider before starting your IF diet. We don’t want to discourage you, but IF isn’t perfect for everyone and it does have some drawbacks.
Some studies found that there is a high dropout rate among intermittent fasters. This may suggest that it might not be a sustainable approach. Another drawback may be that it could have its negative effects on your social life… For example, when your friends have dinner at 7 and you are not allowed to eat anymore after 6, you will just have to sit there and drool over plates. According to Dr. Seltzer (MD, weight loss physician and certified personal trainer), IF can also increase the urge to binge. “Not eating for 16 hours can make you feel very hungry. Because of this, you are more likely to go over your daily calorie allowance,” explains Dr. Seltzer. According to Alissa Rumsey (RD, New York dietitian), IF can also lead some people to an unhealthy obsession with food. “Since people only allow themselves to eat within a certain time frame, they are completely ignoring their internal hunger cues.” [27]
Another potential drawback can be digestion issues. Eating large amounts of food in a short period of time can lead to digestion issues, because larger volumes of food take longer to digest. This can cause additional stress on your digestive tract, which can lead to indigestion and bloating. This is why IF is not recommended for people who experience digestive issues or suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). People who suffer from these issues are advised to maintain regular bowel functions by eating at regular times and not skipping meals. [28]
Should I try intermittent fasting?
As stated before, IF is not for everyone. If you are considering IF, make sure to discuss this with your doctor first. Avoiding meals and limiting calories can be dangerous for people with certain conditions, such as diabetes. Anyone with a history of eating disorders, pregnant women, or teenagers and children should not consider this. People on medications for blood pressure or heart disease may also be more likely to face problems due to fasting. [29]
According to Dr. Stephen Freedland, associate professor of urology and pathology at Duke University Medical Center, there also remains debate over whether actual fasting is responsible for the health benefits or whether it is simply the reduction of calories. If the health benefits can be attributed to the reduction of calories, it is probably wiser to start reducing overall calorie intake before "torturing" yourself by fasting. [30]
In the end, the most important thing is to develop a healthy eating pattern that is sustainable and can maintain a healthy weight over time. So far, intermittent dieting has not been shown to meet this key criterion, according to Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital. But of course, every individual is different, so we'll leave that up to you. [31]
How can Jimmy Joy help with intermittent fasting?
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