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Balanced Nutrition


Protein is the building block of your body. It creates and repairs fundamental body parts such as muscles, bones, skin and blood. Protein is what we can rely on. Therefore, we use more than enough protein (15g per meal) to keep your body functioning properly. Our protein comes from finely ground oats and soy protein, so it is also vegan.


Carbohydrates provide glucose, which is the energy fuel for your body. Plenny Shake is designed to have the ideal combination of complex and less complex carbohydrates to give you evenly distributed energy without spiking your blood sugar.


Fiber is your friend, and with benefits. Not only does it slow down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream, but it also improves the movement of food through your digestive system. Fiber makes you feel full and satisfied, as only a very skilled lover can do. That's why a Plenny Shake contains over 7 grams of fiber, which we get from finely ground oats.


The most hated word in the world. But there's no need to shout, the fat in Plenny Shake is derived from golden flaxseed and sunflower oil, which are very rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, also called the good fats because they prevent heart disease and improve brain function.

Fatty acid

g per bottle

Total energy percentage

Alpha linolenic acid (omega 3)

0.8 g


Linolenic acid (omega 6)

2.2 g

