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Control your ideal weight with the food of the future

Controla tu peso ideal con la comida del futuro

Among the many advantages offered by Esjoy products, it is worth highlighting that they help to recover an ideal and healthy weight , and allow us to control what we eat more easily, providing abundant nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

In addition, in the spring season they stand out as ideal foods to face the bikini operation , as we showed you in an interesting post that we published in March.

We are sure that many of you are wondering how many calories our products have and here we are going to clear up your doubts. Each Twenny Bar provides 390 Kcal and contains 103 grams of pure food, two spoons (96 gr) of Plenny Shake shakes ( it is recommended to mix the spoons with 300 ml of water or milk), provide 400 kcal , and a brick of our Plenny Drink shake, which is ready to consume, also provides 400 Kcal .

How many calories should we consume? The table below, which has been compiled using data from the United States Department of Health, can serve as a guide.

If you want to lose weight, it is recommended to consume 500 kcal less than the average daily requirement.

To keep a good record of this, it is advisable to write down in a notebook or on your mobile phone everything you eat and drink every day , with the corresponding calories.

It is also interesting to know if we are at our ideal weight. For this purpose, the World Health Organization (WHO) has created the Body Mass Index (BMI) , which allows us to know if our weight is within the levels recommended by that organization, or on the contrary, is above or below normal.

In order to make this task easier for you, we offer you a calculator with which you can calculate your BMI in just a few seconds.

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It is also very important to do physical exercise regularly , sinceGiving up a sedentary lifestyle will help you maintain a healthy weight. To do this, you can plan time for sports activities in your weekly diary , such as running, going to the gym, playing racquet sports or hiking.

Finally, we cannot forget doctors specialized in nutrition issues , who can offer you personalized professional guidance if you have any doubts or severe nutritional problems.

You can buy our junior pack, which contains 23 meals (3 bags of plenny shake, 1 pack of 8 plenny drink units, 1 shaker 600 ml, 1 spoon) by clicking on the buy button below . Happy eating with Esjoy!
