What is the Difference Between Protein Shakes, Meal Replacement Shakes and Meal Shakes?
So you're finally comfortable with your friends drinking protein shakes pre- and post-workout, and now meal shakes are the new thing?
What the heck is a meal shake ? And how is it different from a protein shake ?
Excellent questions! Let's see.
What is a Protein Shake?
Typically, protein powder is made from whey protein , one of the main proteins found in dairy products (although today, there are many other types of protein powder available).
Whey is considered a complete protein source because it contains all 9 essential amino acids . Your body needs these amino acids to break down food, repair body tissue, and perform many other bodily functions.
Protein shakes are a quick, easy and fairly affordable way to increase your protein intake if, for example, you want to support your muscle growth .
The amount of protein in a prepared protein shake or ready-to-mix powder is 25-30 g of protein per serving. This amount is more than half of the total protein that the average person is recommended to consume per day (i.e. 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight) [5].
What Is a Meal Replacement Shake?
Meal replacement shakes and meal shakes tend to be confused, but beware! because the two are very different...
A meal replacement shake is a liquid meal designed to replace breakfast, lunch, or even dinner, usually with fewer calories than a “normal” meal. This is why meal replacement shakes are basically always used for weight loss [1].
They are similar to a protein shake in that they are usually also a blend of powdered nutrients that is mixed with water to be consumed as a shake.
Meal replacement shakes also tend to be high in protein . Protein helps you feel fuller longer without adding too many calories. It's an easy way to support weight loss without losing muscle mass .
What Is a Meal Shake?

A meal shake is a drinkable meal that provides all the nutrients of a nutritionally complete meal.
There are two essential ways in which a meal shake is different from a protein shake or a meal replacement shake :
- Aim
- Nutrition
That's because meal shakes are designed to be nutritionally complete meals.
Nutritionally complete foods contain all the recommended nutrients your body needs in the ideal amounts for optimal health . These ideal amounts are based on the average adult and have been established by leading health organizations such as the World Health Organization and the European Food Safety Authority.
Sounds pretty incredible, right?
But beware: some meal replacement shakes can look like meal shakes and vice versa! So be sure to take a look at a shake's label before buying the wrong kind of meal.
A nutritionally complete meal replacement shake should look a little like this [1]:
14-25 g Fat
20-30 g Protein
7-10 g Fiber
Carbohydrates and fats are essential, but a meal replacement shake typically has a relatively high amount of protein and fiber and a low amount of carbs or fat. More protein and fiber help you feel fuller longer and reduce the total amount of calories in the meal [2].
So What's The Difference?
The most significant difference between protein shakes , meal replacement shakes , and meal shakes is that meal shakes are designed to be nutritionally complete meals.
Meal replacement shakes and protein shakes, on the other hand, are far from nutritionally complete and are simply used to increase protein intake and/or for weight loss.
Protein Shakes: Pros and Cons
Pro: They are convenient
Consuming a pre-made or ready-to-mix protein shake is an easy way to get a quick protein boost.
Pro: Provides the most benefit for those over 50
As we age, our muscle mass decreases. Therefore, consuming adequate amounts of protein daily becomes increasingly critical. When you reach your 50s, protein shakes can help you maintain some lean muscle [8].
Cons: They are not nutritionally complete
Unlike meal shakes, protein shakes are not nutritionally complete because they basically just add extra protein to your daily diet. So don't use protein shakes to replace a meal, it's just a supplement.
Cons: Many contain common allergens
Protein shakes often contain common food allergens, such as milk, egg, and soy. Finding an allergen-free variety can be difficult.
Con: Protein shakes can be expensive
Protein shakes are used to build or maintain muscle mass, which is why they are typically used by professional athletes, bodybuilders, and self-proclaimed gym rats.
But there are other reasons why you might want to use protein shakes [6]:
- Need to maintain your muscle mass as you age
- Having difficulty meeting your daily protein needs through diet alone.
- Having trouble absorbing protein in the intestinal tract (*diagnosis provided by a doctor)
Interestingly, many studies have found that consuming more protein than daily recommendations provides only limited benefits for muscle growth. Especially when you are already consuming enough protein per day through your food [7].
Meal Replacement Shakes: Pros and Cons
Advantage: easy to prepare
Making a shake takes very little time or effort. Buying ready-to-drink meal replacement shakes is even easier.
Pro: It can help you lose weight
Due to the relatively high amounts of protein and fiber, a meal replacement shake will keep you satisfied for quite a while, even though it lacks nutritional value. If you're trying to keep your calorie intake low, this might be a good option for you.
Con: May be too low in calories
If your shake has too few calories per serving and you consume them regularly, it can have a counterproductive effect on weight loss [3]. This is because continuously limiting calories below your daily energy needs causes stress on the body and triggers natural responses such as excessive release of steroid hormones that stimulates weight gain while increasing fatigue, muscle weakness, episodes of illness, etc. [3].
Con: May not contain enough nutrition
Carbohydrates and fats are an essential part of a healthy diet, but because they bring a lot of calories to the table, they are often barely present in meal replacement shakes. This way, the calorie count is kept low.
Food Shakes: Pros and Cons
Advantage: easy to prepare
A ready-to-mix powdered shake requires little preparation, while pre-made meal replacement shakes are a quick, grab-and-go meal. If you struggle to find time to prepare and consume food, these shakes are a great way to keep you fueled and on top of your game.
Pro: nutritionally complete
Nutritionally complete meal shakes contain all the nutrients you need to be nutritionally complete while still giving you the option to limit calories [1].
Pro: high in fiber
The high fiber content in meal replacement shakes helps keep you feeling fuller for longer. More fiber also helps digestion and prevents uncomfortable bloating after meals! [2].
Cons: You have to read the labels carefully
The difference between meal shakes and meal replacement shakes isn't always clear, so you need to pay close attention to the ingredient label to make sure the product is high quality. Be sure to check:
An adequate proportion of the main nutrients (i.e. carbohydrates, fats and proteins)
At least 3 grams of fiber per serving
Limited added sugars (<10 grams per serving)
No artificial ingredients
A meal shake may be right for you if:
- You want a quick, easy and nutritionally complete meal
- You want to limit your daily calories to lose weight
- you want to increase the calories you consume per day (to gain weight)
Yes, meal replacement shakes are typically used for weight loss, but nutritionally complete meal shakes also help you lose weight. However, they can also help you gain weight !
Protein Shake, Meal Replacement Shake, Meal Shake: Which is Right for You?
A protein shake is what you are looking for if:
- Want to support your muscle growth
- You need to maintain your muscle mass as you age
- You have difficulty meeting your daily protein needs due to a low protein diet or a protein malabsorption disorder
A meal replacement shake is right for you if:
- You want to limit your calories to promote weight loss
A meal shake is right for you if:
- You are looking for nutritionally complete, quick and affordable meals .
- You want to easily track your calorie consumption
- You need to increase the amount of calories you consume per day
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a protein shake replace a meal?Unlike most meal shakes, protein shakes are not nutritionally complete because they basically just add extra protein to your daily diet. So don't use protein shakes to replace a meal, it's just a supplement.
Can you eat too much protein?
Yes, it is possible to eat too much protein.
Like any other nutrient, consuming too much protein on a regular basis can cause stress on your body. In general, consuming more than 2 g of protein per kg of body weight per day is considered excessive protein intake [9].
Symptoms of eating too much protein may include:
- Unexplained weight gain
- Upset stomach and nausea
- Dehydration
- Fatigue
- Irritability
How many protein shakes can you drink a day?
To avoid over-consuming protein, you'll want to limit yourself to 1-2 protein shakes per day. Of course, this depends on your specific daily protein needs.
Should I prioritize protein shakes or high-protein foods?
According to nutrition experts, you should prioritize protein-rich foods over protein shakes in your daily diet.
Protein shakes are a supplement and are not meant to replace food in your diet. Also, if you consume enough protein-rich foods in your daily diet to meet your protein needs, you likely do not need any protein supplements. Even if you are an athlete or weightlifter [7].
Protein-rich foods that you can prioritize in your diet are:
- Lean red meats
- Poultry
- Seafood
- Low-fat dairy products
- Eggs
- Legumes (i.e. soybeans, beans, lentils, etc.)
- Protein-rich grains and vegetables (i.e. quinoa, hemp seeds, chia seeds, spirulina, etc.)
No, you should not consume meal replacement shakes at every meal because it can contribute to a monotonous diet . A monotonous diet is the act of eating the same foods every day at every meal and snack.
While there are benefits to a monotonous diet, such as easy meal preparation and calorie counting, there are also numerous drawbacks. The negative consequences of repeatedly consuming the same foods, such as meal replacement shakes at every meal, include boredom, difficulty losing weight, nutrient deficiencies, and may even increase the risk of metabolic diseases [4].
Instead, a diverse diet that provides a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as other unique and beneficial nutrients such as antioxidants and plant-based phytonutrients, keeps you in good health by protecting and maintaining all of your body's vital functions [1].
A diverse diet contains a variety of nutrient-dense foods, but can also include 1-2 high-quality meal replacement shakes per day.
Do all meal replacement shakes provide the same nutrition?
No, all meal replacement shake brands are different as they all have their own unique nutritional formulation.
It's important to know what you're looking for in a meal replacement shake before you buy one. The standard formulations you can choose from are:
Low calorie (for weight loss)
High in calories (for weight gain)
High in protein
Sugar free
Type of diet (i.e. vegan, etc.)
Allergen or sensitivity free (i.e. dairy free, lactose free, etc.)
Is it okay to have a meal replacement shake as a snack?
It is acceptable to have a meal replacement shake as a snack if you have not consumed enough calories in your day. A shake as a snack can also help if you are using a meal replacement shake to gain weight.
However, it is also essential to alternate or combine meal replacement shakes with other foods as a snack to increase the nutritional diversity of the diet.
Allison Lansman, RDN, LD
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
Davis, L.M., Coleman, C., Kiel, J., Rampolla, J., Hutchisen, T., Ford, L., Andersen, W.S., & Hanlon-Mitola, A. (2010). Efficacy of a meal replacement diet plan compared with a food-based diet plan after a period of weight loss and weight maintenance: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition Journal, [online] 9(1). Available here [Accessed 31 March 2022].