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Common Nutrient Deficiencies You Might Be Struggling With

We live in an age where, thanks to digitalisation, knowledge is very accessible. Just ask Google, Siri or Alexa and you will get what you are looking for.

But do you do it?

When it comes to health, nutrition and fitness, searching for answers feels like looking for the end of the rainbow, like you used to do when you were a kid in your backyard. It's challenging and confusing.

So here's a good overview of some of the most important nutrients. We'll be looking especially at those essential micronutrients that tend to be more critical than others, helping you learn how they work in your body and what to do to cover them accordingly through your diet. diet and lifestyle!

What does the term essential mean? It means that we cannot synthesize these nutrients on our own and rely on external sources – food! So if we don’t eat enough of these nutrients, we will develop a deficiency. [1]

We will cover the following essential micronutrients:

  • Iron
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium


Iron (Fe) is an essential mineral and is the main component of red blood cells. It transports oxygen to the cells, along with hemoglobin. It is also a part of important enzymes such as cytochromes. In addition to participating in oxygen transport, it is vital for electron transfer, oxidase activities, and energy metabolism. [3] The human body contains about 2-4 g of iron, which is bound to hemoglobin, ferritin, myoglobin, and other enzymes. [4]

There are two types of iron:

  • Heme iron: found mainly in animal products and red meat; generally well absorbable.
  • Non-heme iron: Found predominantly in plant sources, fortified foods, and animal sources, it is not as bioavailable as its counterpart.

    How much do we need?

    Adults require 10-15 mg per day, pregnant and lactating women require more. Menstruating women need 15 mg per day, after menopause it is reduced to 10 mg.

    The absorption capacity of iron depends on the bioavailability of food and the absorption capacity of the host.

    Non-heme iron has a lower bioavailability than heme iron, but smart food combinations and keeping an eye on factors that can affect absorption rate help! [4] [5]

    Dietary Sources

    Examples of foods rich in iron per 100 g:

      • Plenny Shake approximately one serving - 3.4 mg = 30% of your daily intake
      • Beans = 6.4 mg
      • Oats = 4.4 mg
      • Spinach = 3.4 mg
      • Pumpkin seeds = 4.89 mg
      • Beef liver = 6.89 mg
      • oysters = 3.3 mg
      • egg yolks = 7.2 mg


      Iron deficiency is one of the most common dietary deficiencies found worldwide! High-risk population groups are those with increased needs (growth in infants and children, pregnancy and lactation in women), increased losses (due to menstrual blood loss in premenopausal women), and absorption problems due to inflammation and/or infections.

      So what are the symptoms of iron deficiency?
          • chronic fatigue and lethargy
          • headaches
          • bad dream
          • hair loss and brittle nails
          • lesions around the mouth
          • reduced physical performance

          Symptoms depend on the severity of the deficiency. [6]

          How to avoid a deficiency

          There are two things to keep in mind:

          1. Eat foods that improve iron bioavailability and provide iron.
          2. Be aware of foods that impair absorption rates.

          To do:

          • Eat a variety of iron-rich foods daily.
          • Enjoy foods rich in vitamin C with meals: ascorbic acid increases iron absorption rates.
          • Reach for meals where you know exactly what you’re getting – Jimmy Joy meals, like Plenny Shake, contain 3.4mg of iron per 100g serving – about a quarter of your daily requirement! Plus, you’ll get a dose of all the essentials in one go.


          These components have an inhibitory effect: phytates, some polyphenols and calcium. They are found in:

            • the edge layers of seeds, legumes and grains
            • coffee and black tea
            • Dairy (casein and phosphates)
            • Vegetables high in oxalates (rhubarb, beets, wheat germ)

            If you're vegan or vegetarian and have concerns, keep an eye on your blood tests to make sure everything is in a safe range. By the way, eating vegetables isn't guaranteed to make you anemic; anyone can experience iron deficiency, depending on the circumstances! [7]

            Vitamin B12

            Vitamin B12 is an essential, water-soluble vitamin that is part of the vitamin B complex. It is crucial for cell division, hemostasis (red blood cell formation), DNA synthesis, and the reduction of fatty acids and amino acids such as homocysteine. Vitamin B12 is part of the so-called “cobalamins” – active compounds that have the mineral cobalt in common. Cobalamins are provided by microorganisms such as (intestinal) bacteria and are only available in sensible quantities within animal products. It is therefore a fundamental vitamin for vegans and vegetarians. Vitamin B12 is added to foods for fortification (see that plant milk you use for your coffee or cereal) and is available as a supplement. [8] There are two types of vitamin B12 added in plant-based foods: cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin. These are stable forms that our body can easily use and convert into the active form we need! More on this here in our article.

            How much do we need?

            Adults aged 15 and over should consume 4 µg per day. Pregnant and lactating women need slightly more: 4.5 µg and 5.5 µg per day.

            Dietary Sources

            As mentioned above, animal products and items, along with supplements and fortified foods, are the best and only sources of bioactive vitamin B12. B12 analogues exist in fermented foods like sauerkraut and seaweed, though unfortunately they are not close enough to meet our needs. For omnivores, it's dairy, eggs, meat, and fish. Vegans and vegetarians will need to look into supplements and/or full meals like our Plenny Bar ! Just one bar covers your daily B12 needs and helps replenish any potentially depleted reserves!


            Lack or insufficient intake of B12 can lead to anemia, neurological disorders, and psychological disorders such as fatigue and depressive moods. [8] People who follow plant-based diets are prone to a deficiency of this vitamin, if a supplement is not considered. But it is not only vegans who are at risk! Omnivores who have undergone surgery in which parts of the colon or stomach have been removed will have absorption problems. Regardless of B12 intake, gastrointestinal diseases such as chronic gastritis, Crohn's disease, and some medications can also cause a deficiency.

            How to avoid a deficiency

            Definitely get your blood tested if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, and consider taking a supplement. This is also important if you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases and problems. [9]

            Our nutritionally complete meals are definitely for you, to help you replenish and meet your daily needs of this essential vitamin. It couldn't be easier! Need help choosing your meals and products? We've got you covered with this article that gives you a guide to finding the right product!

            Additionally, fortified foods, such as some brands of plant-based milk, plant-based yogurt alternatives, cereals (and many more) provide additional B12.

            Vitamin D

            The sunshine vitamin is a little peculiar! Vitamin D is a partially essential, fat-soluble micronutrient. We can ingest it through nutrition and synthesize it through direct sunlight (so only partly essential, as we can also rely on the sun). Unfortunately, it is not possible to meet our needs solely through nutrition in a completely natural way. That is why, in addition to getting enough time in the sun (now, remember, this does not mean risking sunburn!), we often also rely on a vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D is vital for our calcium and phosphate metabolism, which keeps bone mineralization and growth in check, and our muscles free from cramping. This vitamin is also involved in cell metabolism and growth, immune responses, inflammation reduction, and glucose metabolism. Vitamin D receptors are found in many tissues! [10]

            How much do we need?

            Well, this depends on how much sun time you get. On average, we fail to meet our requirements, so to complete synthesis, infants up to 12 months require 10 µg per day, children and adults over 12 months need 20 µg. 1 µg is equal to 40 international units (IU) per day. Most supplements label their vitamins in IU. [11]

            Dietary Sources

            Unlike other vitamins and minerals, eating specific things like leafy greens, nuts, or legumes won't cover your daily needs. Whole foods like Plenny Pot Creamy Cajun Pasta (one serving covers 100%) give you what you need. Extra sunlight is healthy on many levels, but for many it's not realistic to hit the daily dose, thanks to our predominantly indoor lifestyles.

            Deficiency and how to avoid it

            Vitamin D deficiency in infants and children can lead to rickets, a disease that leads to bone deformation, a high rate of infection, low muscle tone and poor mineralization of skeletal mass. In adults, a mature deficiency can lead to demineralization of bone mass. This poses a high risk of osteoporosis, bone pain and spontaneous fractures.

            Make smart choices like incorporating whole foods like our Jimmy Joy meals – you’ll cover more than just vitamin D in one sitting, so convenient! Or go for a walk in the sun and show off some skin. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen! [7]

            If you experience symptoms that indicate a vitamin D deficiency, tell your doctor.


            Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin, also known as vitamin B9. It is important for cell division, growth, and the formation of genetic material such as DNA. It is naturally present in many foods and is a common dietary supplement (folic acid), especially for pregnant women. [12]

            How much do we need?

            This is a good question, as recommendations are all over the place when comparing countries. How much folate is needed depends on age and life stage, e.g. pregnancy. Recommended amounts are reported in dietary folate equivalents (DFE) and µg. 1 µg DFE = 1 µg natural folate = 0.5 µg synthetic folic acid. [13] Depending on the country or institution, daily recommendations range from 200 µg (UK) to 400 µg (WHO, FDA) DFE per day. The Netherlands, France, Ireland and the DACH region aim for 300 µg per day. So why the variation? This is because different authorities and countries use different references and conjunctions to reach conclusions about recommended values. Simply put, the science on folate leaves room for interpretation. [14]

            Dietary Sources

            Folate is found in plant and animal foods, as well as fortified foods and supplements. The highest levels are found in: liver (beef, although not recommended for pregnant women), vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables such as spinach), whole grains, fruits and fruit juices (especially oranges), and nuts and legumes (peas and beans). Folic acid can also be added to foods such as cereals, grains, bread, and flour.

            Fun fact: The Latin word “folio” means leaf, so eat your leafy greens, kids!

            Examples of foods rich in folate per 100 g:
              • Plenny Shake approximately one serving - 63 µg = 30% of your daily intake
              • Green peas - 159 µg
              • Spinach - 141 µg
              • Peanuts - 169 µg
              • Egg - 74 µg

              How does folate deficiency develop?

              A limited or one-sided diet, alcohol abuse, and some medications can cause folic acid deficiency, especially when needs increase. In addition, people with absorption disorders (such as celiac disease) and a mutation of the MTHFR gene may be prone to inadequate folic acid levels. [12]

              Folate deficiency results in growth and development disorders and anemia. Symptoms may include weakness, fatigue, headaches, irritability, and shortness of breath. If folate deficiency occurs during pregnancy, women are at risk of having babies with malformations such as neural tube defects and low birth weight. This is why pregnant women are prescribed extra micronutrients, including folic acid! [15]

              What to do to avoid this?

              If you're not pregnant, not planning to become pregnant, and not breastfeeding, eating a balanced diet with whole foods , plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains will easily allow you to meet the recommended daily values. Think: "eat the rainbow" and "5 a day." Just be sure to cook your meals carefully, as being exposed to heat and water for too long will leave you with less folate.


              Calcium (Ca) is an essential mineral. In terms of amounts stored in our body, it is the most important: almost 100% of the calcium in our body is stored in our teeth and bones; this mineral keeps them strong. Calcium is also important for muscle function, vascular contraction and vasodilation, nerve transmission, and hormone secretion – although only 1% of our body’s calcium is used for these jobs! Your levels are tightly regulated and do not undergo dramatic fluctuations after meals that are high or low in calcium. Changes in calcium levels develop over time. [16]

              How much do we need?

              Adults over 19 years of age require 1000 mg per day. Children ages 10 to 18 need slightly more (1200 mg). The recommended daily value can be achieved through a balanced and healthy diet, so we do not need to rely on supplementation for this mineral. [17] [18]

              Dietary Sources

              Good amounts of calcium can be found in dairy products, green vegetables such as kale, broccoli and leafy greens, and also in nuts and seeds such as hazelnuts and sesame. Water with >150 mg of calcium per litre is also considered a good source of calcium!

              Examples of foods rich in calcium per 100 g:

                • Plenny Shake approximately one serving - 195 mg = 23% of the reference daily intake
                • Kale - 179 mg
                • Arugula salad (arugula) - 160 mg
                • Broccoli - 87 mg
                • Hazelnuts - 161 mg
                • Parmesan - 1176 mg

                As you can see: vegans and vegetarians also have enough to choose from!

                Calcium and Vitamin D – All the calcium in the world wouldn’t do you any good if you don’t have adequate levels of vitamin D. This vitamin helps absorb calcium from your digestive tract. Vitamin D regulates calcium metabolism and ensures that it is integrated into our bones!


                If you don't consume enough calcium over time and/or have a vitamin D deficiency (so you don't absorb enough calcium), you are at risk. Calcium deficiency doesn't happen in the short term, but over time. If you have it, your bone mass is reduced and your risk of osteoporosis increases. Severe calcium deficiency or malabsorption is the cause of rickets (children) and osteomalacia (adult rickets). [18]

                Who is most at risk? Although, frankly speaking, calcium deficiencies are not very common in healthy, young adults, inadequate intake may be more risky for:

                    • Postmenopausal women, since the reduction in estrogen increases bone resorption and decreases calcium absorption. Physical activity and a balanced diet with an eye on calcium can help slow down this process.
                    • Infants and young children suffering from malnutrition (socioeconomic factors such as poverty in developing countries).
                    • Amenorrheic women have been shown to have a negative calcium balance, either due to eating disorders or a reduced estrogen balance. This has an impact on calcium absorption. Women suffering from exercise-induced amenorrhea (especially athletes and highly active women in the military) are also at risk of increased stressors. Therefore, especially here, an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is crucial, and supplements may be prescribed to reduce such risks of bone damage. [19]
                    • People who do not consume dairy products (vegans, ovo-vegetarians, milk allergy, lactose intolerance) and people who do not eat a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables are also at risk. It is important to say that not eating dairy products is not automatically a risk factor – as long as you are aware of plant-based sources of calcium! [19] [20]

                    In fact, you can search for different population groups that refer to risk factors. Here are the statistics from the osteoporosis foundation!


                    Like calcium, magnesium (Mg) is an essential mineral. Sixty percent is stored in skeletal mass and 30% in muscle mass. One percent is found in extracellular fluid, the remainder is intracellular. [21]

                    Magnesium activates many enzymes as a cofactor for biochemical reactions, such as nucleotide, DNA, and protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. It is important for bone mineralization, energy production, nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and a healthy heart rhythm. [22]

                    Recommended Intake

                    The amount you need depends on age and sex, but also on factors that lead to increased nutrient extraction and higher metabolic rate, such as pregnancy, growth, competitive sports, and health status. 300-400 mg per day is recommended for healthy teens and adults. [23]

                    Foods rich in magnesium

                    People who eat a balanced, high-fiber diet should have no problem meeting their magnesium needs. High-fiber foods are especially good sources.

                    Examples of foods rich in magnesium per 100 g:
                      • Plenny Shake approximately one serving - 75 mg = 20% of reference daily intake
                      • Spinach = 62 mg
                      • Banana = 30 mg
                      • Beans = 150 mg
                      • Pumpkin seeds = 285 mg
                      • Oats = 121 mg [24]

                        The list goes on – eating a balanced diet will really keep you safe, although when for whatever reason you can’t meet your needs naturally, supplementation and/or fortified foods may be an option to discuss with your GP. Chemists and pharmacies sell all sorts of Mg supplements and for healthy people having a little Mg won’t be harmful – it may just send you to the toilet. However, hypermagnesemia can be a serious condition if you suffer from kidney failure or renal impairment. [25]

                        Magnesium deficiency.

                        The symptoms of low Mg levels are the worst: impaired heart and muscle function, muscle weakness and cramps. There are some groups of people who may need a little more magnesium or who tend to be at risk of deficiency. These are:

                          • people who follow fad/restrictive diets like Keto, strict low-carb, low-calorie, or low-fat diets.
                          • People suffering from alcoholism, kidney disease and diabetes (increased excretion/loss of Mg)
                          • People with high stress levels, pregnant women, the elderly and competitive athletes (including high electrolyte loss through sweat)
                          • people with gastrointestinal diseases (reduced absorption).[26]

                          How can Jimmy Joy help you meet your daily micronutrient needs without the hassle ?

                          There is no easier way to get your daily (micro)nutrients than with Plenny meals. Guaranteed. For example, let's take a look at our Plenny Shake:

                          A 95 g serving contains:



                          3.2 mg

                          Vitamin B12


                          3.2 µg

                          Vitamin D


                          5 µg

                          Folic Acid


                          60 µg



                          185 mg



                          75 mg

                          % of the reference daily intake of vitamins and minerals. We also refer to the intake of an average adult (8400kJ / 2000 kcal).

                          Plenny meals come in different shapes, sizes and flavours - there's definitely something you'll like! Get it delivered to your home and enjoy 172 health benefits in just one meal. From €1.91!
                          Personal note from a registered dietitian and nutrition scientist:

                          You are doing great, just keep your eyes open, reading this article and reaching out to learn.

                          Monitor your health status regularly, especially when faced with new situations in your lifestyle and habits.

                          Eat the rainbow and don't avoid food groups or macronutrients.

                          Jimmy Joy Plenny meals are well-balanced, nutritious and delicious and can easily replace regular meals when you're in a hurry or not feeling inspired to cook!

                          Thanks for reading!

                          - Holly Wilkinson BSc Nutritional Science | Nutritionist and Personal Trainer


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                          2.  Fact Sheets - Malnutrition ( , 2020), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          3.  Scientific Opinion On Dietary Reference Values ​​For Iron ( , 2015), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          4.  DACH-Referenzwerte Für Die Nährstoffzufuhr (5th edn, Umschau 2013)
                          5.  Office Of Dietary Supplements - Iron ( , 2021), accessed 13 May 202.
                          6.  McLean E, Cogswell M, Egli I, Wojdyla D, de Benoist B. Worldwide prevalence of anaemia, WHO Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System, 1993-2005. Public Health Nutr . 2009;12(4):444-454. doi:10.1017/S1368980008002401
                          7.  Lehermayr D, Demel D, and Schirmer D, 'Eisenmangel' ( , 2015, accessed 13 May 2021.
                          8.  Office Of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin B12 ( ), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          9.  ' Neuer Referenzwert Für Die Vitamin-B<Sub>12</Sub>-Zufuhr' ( , 2019), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          10.  'Office Of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin D' ( , 2021), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          11.  'Vitamin D' ( ), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          12.  'Office Of Dietary Supplements - Folate' ( , 2021), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          13.  'Folat' ( , 2021), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          14.  'Revised DA-CH Intake Recommendations For Folate: How Much Is Needed?' ( , 2014), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          15.  'Ausgewählte Fragen Und Antworten Zu Folat' ( , 2018), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          16.  'Office Of Dietary Supplements - Calcium' ( , 2021), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          17.  'Calcium' ( , 2021), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          18.  'New Reference Values ​​For Calcium' ( , 2013), accessed 13 May 2021.
                          19.  Nattiv A, 'Stress Fractures And Bone Health In Track And Field Athletes' (2000) 3 Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
                          20.  Committee to Review Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2010.
                          21.  Referenzwerte Für Die Nährstoffzufuhr; Magnesium (5th edn, Umschau Braus 2001), pages 221-222.
                          22.  Rude RK. Magnesium. In: Ross AC, Caballero B, Cousins ​​RJ, Tucker KL, Ziegler TR, eds. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 11th ed. Baltimore, Mass: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012:159-75.
                          23.  'Office Of Dietary Supplements - Magnesium' ( , 2021), accessed 13 May 2021.
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                          25.  Musso CG. Magnesium metabolism in health and disease. Int Urol Nephrol 2009;41:357-62.
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