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Find out your ideal weight with Esjoy!

¡Conoce tu peso ideal con Esjoy!

When calculating whether we have the ideal weight, the most commonly used formula is the one known as Body Mass Index (BMI) .

Its origins lie in the Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet, who in the mid-19th century developed a nomogram that allowed the BMI to be determined, so that people could know if they had the right weight, or on the contrary did not meet the recommended values ​​and should make changes to their eating habits.

At Esjoy we have developed a tool that will help you calculate your ideal weight and another that will allow you to know the recommended daily calories you should consume. You can find them in the two buttons at the end of this post and on the main page of Esjoy .

You simply have to enter your height, weight, sex and body type (small, medium and large).

The application will then return your BMI figure along with an indication of whether it is an insufficient value, normal, or corresponds to overweight type I, overweight type II (pre-obesity), obesity type I, obesity type II, obesity type III (morbid) or obesity type IV (extreme).

It will also inform you of the minimum and maximum weights recommended for your height, as well as what your ideal weight would be.

On the other hand, we have also created another tool that informs you of the recommended daily calories , and will be useful to know if you are consuming the right amount.

In it you must enter your sex, height, weight, age and activity level (sedentary, not very active, moderately active, very active, extra active), and it will give you a very complete result.

Specifically, it will show you the kilocalories (kcal) you should consume daily to maintain your weight, those that will allow you to lose 0.5 and 1 kg per week, and those that will make you gain 0.5 kg and 1 kg per week.

Finally, we recommend that you include our Plenny Drink and Plenny Shake in your diet . They are delicious and highly nutritious and feature a special formula based on the World Health Organization's nutritional recommendations, which has been created by scientists and nutrition experts.

Forget about dieting during this Bikini Operation! Control your weight thanks to Esjoy's healthy diet.

Here we invite you to try both tools:

Calculate your ideal weight

Calculate your daily calories
